Current and Historical Alberta Weather Station Data Viewer

Select Station(s):
Selected Stations (up to 7 max.)
  Observed Normal
Precipitation (mm)  
Accumulated Precipitation (mm)
Temperature (°C)
Minimum Temperature (°C)
Maximum Temperature (°C)
Relative Humidity at 2m (%)  
Wind Speed at 2m (km/h)  
Wind Direction at 2m (deg)  
Wind Speed at 10m (km/h)  
Wind Direction at 10m (deg)  
Corn Heat Units
Potato Heat Units
Growing Degree Days (5°C)
Reference Evapotranspiration (mm)  
Frost Probability 0°C (%)  
Fine Fuel Moisture Code  
Initial Spread Index  
Best Available All-Season
Precip. (mm)
Precip. Accumulated (mm)
Inst. Avg. Max. Min. Total
Air Temp. at 2m (°C)
Relative Humidity at 2m (%)
Solar Rad. at 2m (W/m2)
Snow Depth (cm)
5-cm 20-cm 50-cm 100-cm
Soil Moisture (%)
Soil Temperature (°C)
Wind at 2m
Wind at 10m
Barometric Pressure (kPa)
Dew Point Temp. at 2m (°C)
Wind Chill Index (°C)
Modelled Total Solar Radiation Energy (MJ/m2)

Growing Degree Days (0°C)
Growing Degree Days (2°C)
Growing Degree Days (5°C)
Growing Degree Days (10°C)
Corn Heat Units (germinate on start date)
Corn Heat Units (estimate germination)
Potato Heat Units (Potato Days)

Wheat (Jun. 1 - Aug. 15) : Spring Winter Durum Barley
Fusarium Head Blight Probability
Fusarium Damaged Kernel Probability
Deoxynivalenol Probability
Sclerotinia Infection Risk

ET. STD-grass
Alfalfa Weevil Bertha Armyworm Wheat Midge
Insect Pest
Fire Weather Index
ET. Priestley-Taylor ET. Hargreaves and Semani
Normals are estimated using interpolated station data
for years 1991-2020 except where noted.
Precipitation Avg. (mm)
Precipitation 3-Day Normal (mm)
Precipitation 5-Day Normal (mm)
Precipitation 7-Day Normal (mm)
Precipitation 10-Day Normal (mm)

Air Temperature: Avg. (°C)
Air Temperature: Avg. of Max. (°C)
Air Temperature: Highest Max. for 1961-2024 (°C)
Air Temperature: Avg. of Min. (°C)
Air Temperature: Lowest Min. for 1961-2024 (°C)
Normal Average Relative Humidity (%)
Normal Total Solar Radiation Energy (MJ/m2)
Normal Modelled Total Solar Radiation Energy (MJ/m2)
Normal Average Wind Speed at 10 meter height (km/h)

Growing Degree Days (base 0°C)
Growing Degree Days (base 2°C)
Growing Degree Days (base 5°C)
Growing Degree Days (base 10°C)
Corn Heat Units
Potato Heat Units
Heating Degree Days
Cooling Degree Days
0°C -1°C -2°C -3°C -4°C -5°C
Frost Probability (%)
based on data from 1961-2024
Almanac values are estimated using interpolated station data.
Available only for "yearly" period from 1961 to 2023.
Growing Season
0°C 2°C 5°C 10°C North South
Growing Degree Days
0°C -1°C -2°C -4°C
Frost-free Days
Last Spring Frost
First Fall Frost
Growing Season Corn Heat Units
Growing Season [Apr. 15 - Sept. 15] Potato Heat Units
Heating Degree Days (base 18°C)
Cooling Degree Days (base 18°C)

Air Temperature Precipitation
Avg. Min. Max. Tot.
Whole Year
Winter Season
Growing Season
Consecutive Days
1 2 3 7 15 30 60 90
Max. n-day Precip. Accum. (mm)
Max. n-day Precip. End Date
Include Flags
Data has been quality controlled up until Mar 20, 2025, inclusive.
Retrieve 0‑years of daily data / 0‑days of hourly data at a time
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please contact Trevor Wallace at (780) 980-7587.
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By retrieving data, you agree to the ACIS Data Disclaimer & Terms of Use Browser pop-ups must be enabled for viewing, graphing & downloading data.
  • Show Directions

    To view or download data in tabular or graph format:

    1. Select the frequency of observations or normals from the period dropdown menu
    2. Select the elements of interest from the tabs below by clicking on the corresponding checkbox
    3. Select up to 5 stations by clicking on the pins in the map or using the dropdown station menu above the map
    4. Select your desired date range for which to retrieve data and then view, graph or download your data

    To view printable station reports or view station metadata:

    1. Select your stations by clicking on the pins in the map or use the dropdown station menu above the map
    2. Choose the desired report by clicking on the corresponding icon beside the station name in the Selected Stations box
    View the station's metadata and available data reports.
    View photographs of the station from all four compass points
  • Show Legend
    Available for all selected stations
    Not available for some selected stations
    Not available for any selected stations
    Station available through ACIS
    Decommissioned station available through ACIS
    Station with all requested elements available
    Selected station with all requested elements available
    Selected station with one or more requested elements not available
    Station with one or more requested elements not available

Note: Raw data is provided by Agriculture and Irrigation, Alberta Forestry and Parks, Alberta Environment and Protected Areas and Environment Canada. It is quality controlled during most business days. Data is subject to change under further review and when possible, missing or erroneous data points are filled. Usage of data & products is governed by the ACIS Data Disclaimer and Terms of Use . Please direct questions and comments to Trevor Wallace @ (780) 980-7587.

Station Details
Station Name
Elevation (m)
Commissioned On
Decommissioned On
Climate ID
World Meteorology Organization ID
Transport Canada ID