Average Daily and Annual Water Requirements

The average daily and annual water requirement numbers can be used for estimating the amount of water used on a farm. The average daily water requirements in Imperial gallons per day (gpd) for livestock are based on typical average outside or in-barn temperatures. The results, however, cannot be used directly for designing the water supplies and pumping capacity for a farm water system. For example, consider a beef feedlot on a hot summer day. Feeder cattle will drink approximately twice the amount of water under these conditions. For this reason, the water supply and pumping systems need to be designed to meet these peak demands. As well, significant water savings can be made with most moist feed systems or water conservation measures.

Place a checkmark beside the livestock you wish to include
 Beef  Swine  Dairy
 Poultry  Sheep/Goats  Diversified Livestock
* For information on water requirements for field crops, contact an irrigation specialist. Note: These livestock and poultry water requirement numbers have been compiled with input from Agriculture and Irrigation staff. Also visit our website: www.agric.gov.ab.ca and use the calculator for determining the size of a dugout.