Alberta Irrigation Management Model

The Alberta Irrigation Management Model (AIMM) is a decision support tool software package that assists irrigation producers with their irrigation scheduling decisions. AIMM acquires the climate parameters required to calculate Evapotranspiration (ET) and irrigation recommendations from the Alberta Climate Information Service's (ACIS) AIMM climate files. Producers simply choose the weather station from the available climate stations on-line closest to their field of interest. These climate data are then used to estimate daily crop water use for the crop of interest.

Additional information regarding the AIMM software can be found in the
AIMM Technical Information Document.

AIMM software can be downloaded from this website. The software is supported by the following operating systems: Windows 7 through 11. Once you have obtained the software package, run the setup.exe file and follow the on-screen prompts.

AIMM requires SAP Crystal Reports for proper operation. Crystal reports can be found by clicking on the following link ( https://www.sap.com/products/technology-platform/crystal-reports.html#visual-studio ). You will either require Viewer 2016 which is a 32-bit application, or Viewer 2020 which is a 64-bit application. Check your computer specifications as to whether you have a 64-bit or 32-bit processor. Then download the appropriate Crystal Reports Viewer for your system.

AIMM Technical Support Contacts

Contact: Len Hingley
Soil and Water Specialist
Irrigation and Farm Water Division
Agriculture and Irrigation
Address: 301 Horticultural Station Road East
Brooks, Alberta
T1R 1E6
Phone: (403) 362-1343
Fax: (403) 362-1306
E-mail: leonard.hingley@gov.ab.ca